Skyward Overview

Skyward Login ScreenSkyward is Seminole County's student information system. This system allows you to see real time updates of your child's grades and testing information as well as to communicate and receive communications from you child's teacher and the school.

There are some new features in Family Access that allow you to review and update family information including changes to addresses, phone numbers, emergency contact information, and health information. Attached below is a handout describing how to use these features.

A new proof of residency is required by the school for all address changes. You may make address changes in Skyward, but they will not take effect until you have brought in proof of residency.

Next year all beginning of the year paperwork will be done through Skyward. If you have not signed up for Skyward, please download the form below, fill it out, and return it in person to the front office. You will be asked to present a picture ID. Once your information is verified you will receive an e-mail within 24-48 hours letting you know your Skyward account has been activated and your log in information.

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