Carline Procedures
In an effort to keep all of our children, staff members and visitors safe, we want to communicate our car line procedures.
The most important rule is that once you are in our car line, we have a no cell phone usage policy.
This is to ensure that everyone is paying attention to their surroundings and that we all get to class and back home in one piece!
Morning Drop Off
AM drop off begins at 7:30. As a courtesy to our families and neighbors around the school, we begin unloading cars at 7:20. Please do not unload until a staff member has come to the car line.
The first bell rings at 7:50. The tardy bell rings at 7:55.
Students should be completely ready to exit the vehicle when entering the car line. Make sure backpacks are zipped, breakfast is done and we are ready to roll!
In an effort to reduce traffic on Red Bug Road, we will be implementing a double line that will merge into one lane at the final turn of our car line. Our double line will begin once you enter the school parking lot. Please be courteous to other drivers and follow an "every-other" car rule as you merge back in to one lane at the cones.
If you plan on walking your student to the building, please go to the left at the roundabout and park your car in the park parking lot. Crossing the car line is not only unsafe, but it does slow down the flow of traffic.
Please pull all the way forward to get as many cars into our unloading zone as possible.
While we love how courteous many of you can be, please do not stop to let pedestrians walk across the car line. Once all traffic has stopped in the unloading zone, there will be an opportunity for our visitors/staff to cross.
Once you get to the "Unloading Zone" sign, please have your student(s) exit the vehicle.
Afternoon Pick Up
In the afternoon, the right lane is for kindergarten and first grade families and carpools with a kindergarten or first grade student until 2:15 (1:15 on Wed). Kindergarten and first grade is dismissed at 2:05 (1:05 on Wed). If you pull through this line and are not picking up a kindergarten or a first grade student, you will be asked to circle back around. Our whole school dismissal begins at 2:20 (1:20 on Wed).
For the safety of all children, you must have the 2021-2022 Red Bug Hang Tag in order to pick up your student. If you do not have the hang tag, you may be asked to park and go into the main office with your driver's license or security code to verify that you are approved for student pickup. Additional hang tags can be purchased for $1.00.
Do not stop when you see your student. Pull all the way forward until the car in front of you has stopped and your child will be brought to you.
Our afternoon dismissal relies on two lanes. Pay close attention to the person directing traffic for when it is your turn to exit the loading zone.
Remember, safety is our number one concern! We always try our best to get all students in to school and on their way home in a timely manner.
Click here for a detailed map of our carline area.
Arrival & Dismissal Times
First Bell............................................ 7:50 a.m.
Tardy Bell........................................... 7:55 a.m.
Dismissal........................................... 2:20 p.m.
Wednesday Early Dismissal.............. 1:20 p.m.
Building Closes................................. 3:30 p.m.
Student Dismissal
Students will be dismissed as follows:
Car Riders
Bus Riders
Day Care/Extended Day
Students will be dismissed out of their classroom doors and through the main exit doors. In case of heavy rain, everyone will exit the front of the school. Students will be kept on campus in the event of lightning (See Severe Weather Dismissal).
It is the responsibility of parent(s) to ensure that students are picked up on time. Seminole County Public School employees will maintain supervision of students for a period of 30 minutes after dismissal. Following this time, and after all efforts have been made to locate an emergency contact, the Seminole County Sheriffs' Department will be called to assist in this effort.
Changing Dismissal
It is vital that the teacher knows how your child will go home from school each day. Please notify your child's teacher of the method to be used on a regular basis. E-mail and Voice-mail are NOT recommended ways to change dismissal as teachers don't always have time to check their e-mail before the end of the day. When a change in routine is necessary, discuss this with your child and write a note to the teacher. Due to departmentalization it is important that the way of dismissal be clear.
Written notice must be given each time there is a change of routine; otherwise, your child will be sent home the usual way. Students may only be released to parent, guardian or designated persons on the emergency card. Please use discretion when making appointments for your child(ren) to avoid prime teaching/ testing time. Students will not be released during the school day without being accompanied by an adult.
At the beginning of the year, every parent will be asked to designate a four-digit security number for each child (ex: 4020). This number will be required in order to pick up a child or ask for a change in routine from the child's normal transportation. Please be sure all persons authorized to pick up your child(ren) are aware of this code.
Severe Weather Dismissal
In case of severe weather, the regular bell schedule for dismissal may be altered for safety reasons. PLAN AHEAD: Be sure your child knows the 'rainy day' plan to get home. Make arrangements with your child in advance. (See Severe Weather Dismissal).